Wednesday 20 December, 2006

When communications skills contradict probability

This one is priceless - I'm preparing for my last paper tomorrow - Communications Skills, and came across this: "... With these techniques tactfully utilised the presenter has excellent chances for a successful deal. There are equal chances of failure and the presenter should be prepared for the same..."
So doesn't that mean that there are excellent chances for failure as well?!? ;)

The author needs a few lessons in effective communications skills as well as in probability, doesn't he?

I say a written theory-based paper on Communication Skills is about as effective as trying to teach someone flying a plane via e-mail... Ditto for Marketing, HR, IT, et al.

Far, far away from reality.


Aditya said...

written exams, especially those in this country, are generally worthless for judging any ability...

M said...

please remember this when you guys go for recruiting ppl, ten years hence.